Resilient" isn't just a term; it's the fundamental narrative of my life's journey.

I hail from the small town of Las Vegas, New Mexico, often mistaken for its glitzier Nevada counterpart. Raised by a single mom, I became the first in my immediate family to embark on a higher education journey.

  • My path has woven through the intricate corridors of Congress, presidential campaigns, issue advocacy, and public affairs, ultimately leading me into the heart of industry trade associations.

How it all began: The defining moment occurred when, as a high school junior, I applied to become a United States Senate Page. Relocating to Washington, D.C. for an entire school semester, I had the privilege of working alongside some of the nation's most iconic Senators. This experience became the compass guiding my future.

  • I pursued my education at Texas Tech University and eventually earned a presidential scholarship and an internship in the nation's capital.

  • This opened the doors to a full-time role on Capitol Hill with former Representative Heather Wilson while completing my master’s degree at night at Johns Hopkins University.

  • I acquired invaluable insights during this time into legislating, managing constituent requests, and building alliances with fellow offices.

  • I contributed to her successful reelection campaign before delving into the world of public affairs and grassroots mobilization.

Seizing the next opportunity: I entered the world of public affairs in 2008, joining OnPoint Advocacy, which later became DDC Advocacy and is now known as DDC Public Affairs, a global public affairs agency.

  • I mastered the art of grassroots organizing, shaping public affairs causes to influence legislative and regulatory policy during this time.

  • An opportunity then called me to join Mitt Romney's presidential campaign in 2012. Although victory eluded us, the experience proved invaluable.

After the campaign, I returned to DDC Public Affairs where I led some of the most expansive and successful public affairs campaigns.

  • Partnering with the business community, I played a pivotal role in shepherding sweeping tax reform through Congress in 2017, benefiting small businesses and the middle class.

  • Collaborating with the agriculture community, I facilitated a proactive effort to preserve and modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement, ensuring economic stability for the 21st century.

  • In the entertainment industry, I worked closely with key executives to safeguard local jobs and production on a state-by-state basis.

  • Within the concrete industry, I embarked on a transformative journey, reshaping the multi-billion-dollar ready-mixed concrete sector with a pioneering, integrated program that delivered immediate results and continues to shape its future.

  • Among small business communities, we orchestrated a multi-year initiative to revamp outdated sales tax laws, laying the foundation for a favorable U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

  • Collaborating with retailers and manufacturers, I led the successful campaign that defeated the Border Adjustment Tax, earning recognition as PRWeek's 'Global Award Winner' for the top crisis and issue campaign of 2017.

After my tenure at DDC Public Affairs, I joined the New York communications firm, Marathon Strategies, where I played a pivotal role in building and expanding their presence in Washington, D.C.

My journey then led me into the dynamic world of industry trade associations, where I held senior positions at the American Beverage Association (ABA) and the American Chemistry Council (ACC).

  • At ABA, I spearheaded a groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind sustainability initiative aimed at increasing the use of recycled plastic in beverage containers.

I would eventually join ACC, where I undertook the transformation of the association's self-funded Plastics Division. This transformation encompassed a strategic focus on proactive legislative and regulatory advocacy, sustainability and technical affairs, and strategic communications, marking the culmination of a journey that a kid from a small New Mexico town could only dream of.

I've had the privilege of turning challenges into victories, working hand in hand with diverse industries. This remarkable journey is the driving force behind my passion and the founding of Resilient Partners.